Love In The Name of Christ (INC) of Broward is part of a national movement to transform communities. Our affiliate unites and mobilizes churches, nonprofits, businesses, and individuals to work together to “love on” community members in need.

Through our Connect Center, we are a warmline that serves teens to adults by offering faith-based life coaching that helps the mind and heart while motivating individuals to develop into Christ-centered transformation. We do not ever proselytize, but lovingly give words of encouragement and guidance to a more peaceful way of living.

How We Serve Our Community:

  • Connect Center

    We are a warmline for anyone who is in a challenging situation but not yet in need of emergency care. Anyone from teens years to adult can call to speak with a faith-based life coach to help navigate thoughts, emotions, or a decision to be made. Budget counseling is also available.

  • Community Events

    We coordinate events within the community to pull people together across church walls and across our community. With events such as our annual Bazaar-B-Q and National Day of Prayer Breakfast, we aim to pull people together to exemplify unity in Christ.

  • Financial Management Workshops

    We offer fun and interactive workshops on managing money and ways to grow it. With topics that include budgeting, job seeking, financial literacy, and even entrepreneurship, our workshops open the eyes of participants to new and better paths to financial security.

  • Church and Nonprofit Support

    We know the demands of serving a community through a local nonprofit or church ministry. We are intentional to not only pray for our fellow workers, but to also show them love each month with our “Drop-Off Love Bombs”.

John 13:35: "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."

Our team of like-minded individuals include:

Dedicated Volunteers

Our Love INC of Broward family consists of dedicated volunteers with the same heart and mind to serve the community. United from various churches and organizations, our volunteers are engaged in many ways to show the love of Christ to people.

Volunteer engagement includes:

  • Connect Center Coaching - pray and speak with scheduled callers to help them think through a difficult situation in our Connect Center.

  • Community and Outreach Activities - help execute outreach efforts to serve the community for planned events throughout the year.

  • Administrative Help - lend time to help with any needed administrative tasks such as scheduling callers, translating for non-English speakers, or even helping with social media.

Incredible Church Partners

Every church is special and unique to the mission that God has given. We are proud of our church partners who join with us across church walls to build His Kingdom in the Name of Christ!

Romans 12: 4,5 - “For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”










These individuals are committed to praying for Love INC of Broward at least once a month and the mission God has given us. “Friends of Love INC” are also committed to keeping an eye out for any arising needs observed within the community, and sharing what they see with the team.

“Friends of Love INC” Prayer Partners & Committees

Staff and Board Members

  • Sherese James

    Executive Director, Greenhouse Church SoFL

  • Juan Hincapie

    Chairman, Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale

  • Trecia Hosein

    Vice-Chair, Broward Church

  • Gail Rizzo

    Secretary, Community Christian Church

  • Michael Lynch

    Treasurer, St. Mark Catholic Church

  • Melanie Elms

    Board Member, Cathedral of Pentecost

  • Jonathan Farrell

    Board Member, Liberty Life Center

  • Nate Garcia

    Board Member, Greenhouse Church SoFL

  • Mirti Murray

    Board Member, Community Chrisitian Church

  • Todd Sims

    Board Member, Greenhouse Church SoFL

  • Trish Turner

    Board Member, Liberty Life Center

Hours of Operation

Please call our offices at 954-727-3231 between the hours of 9am - 5pm to leave a message. Someone will call you back within 24 hours of the next business day.